Pam Kristan
Pam Kristan -author, teacher, and consultant- has helped thousands of agencies, organizations, and individuals find practical, creative strategies to improve their lives.
Since the late 80’s when she began training for the Commonwealth, she’s offered workshops in a wide range of practical skills -- time management, supervisory skills, communication, and personal organization. Participants have ranged from on-the-road DPW workers to executive directors to administrative employees at all levels.
She’s authored several books and has a Website filled with useful material. She moderated local speak-outs for National Take Back Your Time Day at Faneuil Hall and has been featured in broadcast and print media.
For avocations, she draws on years as a hiking leader and wild food enthusiast, having led groups to Nantucket, the Smoky Mountains, Passamaquoddy Bay, and the Boston area. She’s a classically-trained musician. She practices a diverse text-based and earth-centered spirituality.